King's Birthday


King's Birthday Quick Facts

AKA NameFormerly: Queen’s Birthday public holiday
2024 Date23 September 2024
2025 Date29 September 2025

King's Birthday (WA)

King's Birthday (WA) in

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King's Birthday History

King's Birthday in Western Australia (WA) is a public holiday that commemorates the birth of the reigning British monarch. The observance serves to honour the role of the monarchy in Australia's past and present, reflecting upon the historical importance of this institution.

The tradition of celebrating the reigning monarch's birthday dates back to the 18th century in Great Britain, with the first monarch to have their birthday marked as a public holiday being King George III. In Australia, the observance of the King's Birthday began long before the nation's federation in 1901. As a former British colony, Australia recognises the monarchy as part of its history and heritage, which includes maintaining ties between the Commonwealth nations.

In Western Australia, the King's Birthday is observed on either the last Monday of September or the first Monday of October, depending on the year. On this occasion, various community events, parades, and award presentations take place throughout the region. While the King's Birthday has gradually evolved into a day that widely celebrates Australia's diverse community, it remains an important observance for those who appreciate the influence of the monarchy on Australia's history and identity.

Top facts about King's Birthday

  • Australia is the 3rd most populous realm of the Commonwealth of Nations (after Canada and the UK).
  • King Charles III officially ascended to the throne on the 10th of September 2022. This is after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on the 8th of September, 2022.
  • King Charles III, at 73 is the oldest in British history to become King.
  • Western Australia celebrates the King's Birthday at a different time due to its temperate weather during that period. The good weather allows for better celebration of the holiday and reduces holiday clustering.
  • Wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in the Realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall endeavour to serve you with loyalty, respect and love, as I have throughout my life - King Charles III address on 9 September 2022.

Top things to do for King's Birthday

  • Head to Perth to watch the large display of fireworks set off to celebrate the King in Western Australia.
  • The King is known for his dedication to humanitarian efforts. Honor his spirit by volunteering in a local charity or non-profit organization. You can participate in community service activities like cleaning up parks, helping the elderly, or assisting in food drives.
  • Take the opportunity to learn more about Thai culture, history, and the significance of the King in the country's development. Watch documentaries, read books, or visit museums to expand your knowledge and understanding.
  • In some years, a fireworks display is organized at various locations in Perth and regional areas to celebrate King's Birthday and WA Day.
  • Local theaters and community centers may host concerts, plays, and other cultural performances during the WA Day weekend.
  • Enjoying Western Australia's beautiful beaches, national parks and outdoor attractions are also popular during the WA Day long weekend.

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